I have hundreds of gigs worth of files and difficulty finding anything. Before Windows Vista I found that searching for a file could take a half hour and I realized I needed a better way to get organized. I wrote this quick Vistual Basic Script to help organize my files into subfolders by extension and date modifed.
Below is a screenshot of my folders after my files have been copied to their destination.
How it works:
1) It looks at my source folder
2) Copies the file into a new destination (I didn't do move in case something wen wrong)
3) Places the files into a subfolder by its extension and daet modified (Example - test.doc) would go into a doc_2008 folder.
4) Create a log of each file moved (in case it crashes mid-stream I know the last file moved)
License: Open Source (GNU General Public License)
License: Open Source (GNU General Public License)
Dim varstartpath, vardestination
'IMPORTANT - You need to provide a source and destination path.
varsource = "S:\Users\"
vardestination = "R:\Backup"
WScript.Echo "Done!"
'-------function to Find File Extensions------------
Function GetExtension(varfile)
'------Split the file by periods--------------------
arrayperiods = Split(varfile,".")
'------Select the characters after the last period--
varnumperiods = UBound(arrayperiods)
'------Return the value to GetExtension
GetExtension = arrayperiods(varnumperiods)
End Function
'-------Sub Procedure to Create Folders Based on File Extensions and Date------------
Sub CreateFolder(varfile,vardate)
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'------Find out file extension-----------------------
varextension = GetExtension(varfile)
'------Create a destination folder based on the extension and the year modified
varfolder = vardestination & "\" & varextension & "_" & year(vardate)
'------If the folder doesn't already exist then create it
If Not objFSO.FolderExists(varfolder) Then Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(varfolder)
Set objFSO=Nothing
End Sub
'-------Sub Procedure to Copy Files to a Folder------------
Sub CopyToFolder(varpath,varfile,vardate)
varextension = GetExtension(varfile)
varfilesourcepath = varpath
varfiledespath = vardestination & "\" & varextension & "_" & year(vardate) & "\" & varfile
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'-----Keep a log of files moved so you know where it crashed------------------
'Create or append a text file
varlog = varpath
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
fpath= vardestination & "\FilesMoved.txt"
If flg Then
Set floc= fso.OpenTextFile(fpath, 8)
Set floc = fso.CreateTextFile(fpath,true)
End If
Set fso = Nothing
'------Check to see if File Exists-------------------
If Not objFSO.FileExists(varfiledespath) Then
objFSO.copyFile varfilesourcepath,varfiledespath
set objFileName = objFSO.GetFile(varfilesourcepath)
varsourcesize = objFileName.Size
varsourcemod = objFileName.DateLastModified
Set objFileName = Nothing
set objFileName = objFSO.GetFile(varfiledespath)
vardestsize = objFileName.Size
vardestmod = objFileName.DateLastModified
Set objFileName = Nothing
'------If the file was last modified at the same time and is the same size----
If (varsourcesize = vardestsize) and (varsourcemod = vardestmod) Then
objFSO.copyFile varfilesourcepath,varfiledespath,true
'------If not true then rename the file-------
varyear = year(varsourcemod)
varsourcemod = FormatDateTime(varsourcemod,2)
varsourcemod = Replace(varsourcemod, "/", "_")
arrayperiods = Split(varfile,".")
varitemname = arrayperiods(0)
varfiledespath = vardestination & "\" & varextension & "_" & varyear & "\" & varitemname & "_" & varsourcesize & "_" & varsourcemod & "." & varextension
objFSO.CopyFile varfilesourcepath,varfiledespath,true
End If
End if
Set objFSO=Nothing
End Sub
'-------Sub Procedure to run through the files--------------------
Sub OrganizeFiles(path)
dim fs, folder, file, item, url
set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set folder = fs.GetFolder(path)
'Display the target folder and info.
'Display a list of sub folders.
for each item in folder.SubFolders
'Display a list of files.
for each item in folder.Files
CreateFolder item.Name,item.DateLastModified
CopyToFolder item.path,item.Name,item.DateLastModified
set fs = Nothing
end sub
Simple but effective, thanks man.